İnternet girişimlerindeki ürün yönetimi bir sanat olarak görüyorum ve günün sonunda ürünün başarısında bu sanatın hayati derecede etkili olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Google ürün stratejistinin ürün yönetimi ile ilgili 42 ders isimli bir yazı ile karşılaştım. Yazıda 42 maddeden oluşan güzel bir liste var. Meraklılar ve ilgililerin hepsini tek tek okuyup, üzerinde düşünmesi gerekiyor. Ben beğendiğim maddeleri kısa kısa bu yazıda toplayacağım.
- “We strived to empower everyone equally from an information standpoint. In the internet age, power comes from sharing information not hoarding it.”
- “Be crisp and direct and choose each word wisely,” Rosenberg advises
- HPPO stands for “the highest-paid person’s opinion.” When you have a problem or a question, don’t naturally accept the HPPO in the room. Title means nothing.
- “There are people who are great at strategy, and there are those who are great at tactics,” Rosenberg says. “That’s why we have teams.”
- “At Google, we learned that the size of a small team is about the size of a small family. In software development, the worst thing you can do is put more people on a project.”
- Great people not only make a great company, they also attract more great people.
- “The guys who invented Google Sky are software engineers, not astronomers,” Rosenberg says. “They didn’t build this super cool product because they’re great engineers. They did it because they love astronomy.”
- “Especially in tech,” Rosenberg says. “And don’t grow up to be a specialist. The job will change, and the underlying pace of the technology will transform the landscape so quickly that the specialist’s job will be gone.”
- Too many companies micro-manage the creative processes. That doesn’t work.
- You want to build from a place of optimism and big thinking. “Organizations develop antibodies to change. That’s why big companies stop innovating. If you’re the innovator, you’re like a virus. The antibodies want to kill you.”
- School is never out. Your education is never over. Part of being humble is realizing how much you don’t know that you don’t know.
- “Humility is correlated with age. Arrogance is inversely correlated with age. Why? Because as you get older, you realize how hard it is to get things done.”
- “Smart people can smell hypocrisy. So think before you speak, and make sure you spend your time on the things that you say are important. Culture is set from the top, and once set, it cannot be changed.”
- “It’s the only way to learn he says. Communicate, confess, and comply. No one is perfect – not even you.”
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